Nope. Rather the contrary. In fact, somewhere between “nervous” and “psyched” would be closer to the mark:
I’ve just sent out the first batch of copies of Blue Stocking, Beta Version 1.0!
The pattern still isn’t quite ready for prime time, but it’s far enough along so that the intrepid beta crew should be able to cast on, knit the foot, and turn the heel, by which time I’ll have the next (or possibly even, dare I say it, the final) version in their hot little mailboxes.
Remember, anyone else who wants to jump in and play at this stage is very welcome to do so; just leave a comment or drop me a note at tsocktsarina AT tsocktsarina DOT com, and you’re on the list and will get the pattern as fast as I can send it out to you.
I have lots of other stuff to report, but I’m too tired and bleary to do so now, so will try to catch up over the next couple of days (while simultaneously knitting Blue #2, correcting the pattern, updating the stitch tutorials, and… oh, you don’t even want to hear about the rest, or maybe I’m just too fried to think about it all).
Oh – but one thing that really can’t wait, for those of you interested in the continuing saga of pet food. If you haven’t already heard about the big recall…! please go look at right away to make sure it doesn’t affect you and your beasts. A lot of different brands fall under this heading, and there’s a whole lot of risk of renal failure out there – and renal failure is no joke.