

Things are going to be happening around here. Big Things. (Also some little things, lots of them, but that doesn’t sound as impressive, does it.) Yes, I know I’ve said that sort of thing before, and sometimes it’s even been true. But it’s way truer now, with levels of truthiness (New! Improved! Now with 75% More Factuation!) heretofore unimagined. By me, anyway. Things. Big Things. Lots of Things. Teetering on the verge, yea trembling on the brink, of actually happening.

To begin with the most recent Thing, Tsock #6 has shipped; in fact there has been one sighting so far.

So very soon now (don’t look at me like that) I will be blogging Tsock #6.

BUT… because life actually does sometimes happen in chronological order, I’m going to blog Tsock #5 first. (No, I hadn’t forgotten, and neither had you. It’s just that there have been too many Things coming down the pike.)

And then Tsock #6.

And then… then it’ll be time to start posting about the Big New Things that have been marinating and percolating around here. A veritable cornucopia of Sizeful Neo-Thingitude.

You’ll see.
