Yesterday I tackled the leaf edging on the shawl. This should look slightly familiar:
I don’t want to knit this – I want to wear it around my neck.
I know at one point I had a lot of high-falutin’ ideas about fancy edgings here; but the more I thought about it, the more it seemed to me that the edging itself should be of the simplest, allowing the scalloping on the side to do the lion’s share of the shaping. I wanted slightly more depth than I used at the top, though. So – Arianne/Emilie, your wish is granted after all, because the eyelets that were overkill for the top edge turned out to be pretty much what the doctor ordered for the side.
Looks like I got a little out of alignment toward the end – on the last three reps I managed to position the phallic dagger-bead cluster off-center on the scallop (you can only actually see one of these in the picture, at lower left). It was kinda late. If there’s time I will adjust this, but it isn’t high on the priority list at the moment – these beaded picots, especially in 2/24, are no fun to tink; and I’m thinking it won’t be very noticeable once the piece is draped. But we shall see. If it keeps me awake nights – and it well may – then fix it I shall. After all the other components are finished, that is.
Eyelets in close-up:
(Entomological appearance of pinned-out lace eliminated through the miracle of PhotoShop, so nyah nyah nyah)
So that’s the rightmost leaf-edge done.
And now, speaking of leaves – for those of you who evidently have not completed the Mind-Reading 101 course requirement (what? you’re not all following the tortuous path of my obsessions every picayune step of the way? I am shocked – shocked I say), yesterday’s leaves in context. I wasn’t going to show this just yet, because some of these are not the real colors for this version of the sock (hoping to see the remaining ones in the mail tomorrow or next day ptui ptui ptui I spit through my fingers I shouldn’t jinx it), but some explanation is required, and I ain’t got time for no 1,000 words. So here’s a mockup:
The leaves are just dummied into place now, but when I have the colors all sorted the stem-tails of the upper layer will probably become integral to the bind-off of the cuff.
(You really don’t get the sculptural effect of the grapes from this picture. Must shoot this in daylight without flash. Will do so, when sock finished, and will then show and tell some details of construction and fit.)
Again… we shall see.
Off to string more beads.
Oh – almost forgot to mention – I see we’re teetering on the verge of a blog milestone: 1,000 comments. Somebody will get something nice when that happens. Dunno what yet, but with Rh*n*b*ck in the offing the possibilities are just about endless. BTW I managed to let another milestone whiz by without celebration: 10,000 spams trapped. I do in fact have a tribute of sorts planned for that one, but by the time I get around to it, at this rate, it will probably reach a whole ‘nother round number. Nobody will be getting anything nice on that occasion (though Akismet sure deserves a medal!).