More Kitri Shawl Leaf Edging
That’s it for edging, for now; must complete insertion and bottom edge before any more beading or finishing can take place.
More Entomological Specimens
The four on the right are done in a shade that’s a hair darker than the lightest color shown yesterday (as seen here at the top of this picture). Much experimenting and fiddling with leaf color balances for the three different Vintage colorways. For the Claret version I’m still awaiting a deeper, more primary green; for the white wine version a couple of warmer tan-browns. With the blessing, Jennifer will be overnighting these to me today, after which… you’ll be seeing still MORE leaves.
I’m starting to have a nice little pile:
Makes me want to jump right in.
BTW, note that some of these are posing purl-side-up. Being stockinette, they will naturally tend to curl. The entomological blocking is not intended so much to counteract that as to coax the points into their proper shape and relationship – in the long run the curling is going to be a normal part of how the leaves hang. Kind of like… real autumn leaves, y’know? I need to do some controlled “de-blocking” here, to make sure it’s going to work the way I think it is; but it’s possible, curl-wise, that the best look for these is going to be purl-side-out.
Oh, and a reminder for those who were wondering: “Vintage” is not a club sock. It is going to be a free-range standalone kit, available to the too-long-neglected public in three colorways: Claret, Pinot and Chablis; it joins the light and dark versions of “Oktoberfest” in our Open Bar line of Potable Socks. (You didn’t know we had such a line? Neither did I. It “just growed,” and now I’m envisioning various cocktail possibilities to round it out. To be thought about after Rh*n*b*ck….)
More Invisible Stuff
Continuing, but unphotographed and unphotogenic:
- Pattern Writing
- Pattern Printing
- Pattern Assembly
In general bloggy/Rh*n*b*ck-y news, I’ve been meaning to mention that Jennifer and I are both Squares in this year’s Blogger Bingo, and that we are also contributing some of the prizes.
And in Blog Milestone News, I’m delighted to announce that the 1,000th comment was left yesterday by Cathy-Cate. Cathy, as soon as I get out from under I’ll be sending you a little something to beguile your convalescence…