Life, they do say, is what happens while you are making other plans.
This afternoon I was putting the finishing touches on a long-overdue blog post (I was, I swear!), rife with black humor about the Winter Of My Discontent, which has featured entirely unjustifiable quantities of permasnow, illness, and unidentified corpses. And then just as I was thinking it was almost ready to post, along came a certain heads-up in my e-mail that sent me scrambling to upload the new interim version of my web page… and so now all that glorious sarcasm and irony that I had in the hopper is just gonna have to hop right back out of the hopper because, well, it just doesn’t belong there any more. Because the gag order is off now, and nothing can trump the sharing of good news.
So… go take a look HERE, if you please. It’s OK, I’ll wait. It’s worth it.
Yup. Teaching a class at Sock Summit, I am. Sitting on that one for the past couple of months has not been easy; I’m surprised it hasn’t burned a hole right through my chair.
I’ve been thinking for a long time that I needed to get cracking about doing some formal teaching; I’ve certainly done plenty of it informally; also plenty of formal teaching in other fields. Well, duh, I’m not IN other fields now, am I – I’m in this one, and I do have a thing or three to say on the subject. So it’s long past time, I think. The cool thing is that, unlike so many of the One-Of-These-Days items on my I-Really-Should list… I can now cross this off and add it to the Doing-It-NAO!!!! list instead.
I think Sock Summit is a pretty good place to begin. I’m rather pleased.
OK, OK, OK. Actually, I might be bouncing up and down just a little bit – I mean, look at that line-up.
Oh, all right, I admit it. I’m excited, dammit.
And so the adventure begins.
And is there news on the Tsocks front? There is.
Until fairly recently an awful lot of it has consisted of people sitting around tables and scribbling and talking, or exchanging scads of e-mails, or both, so nothing intrinsically very bloggable. But all that is starting to change now. Bit by bit I’m seeing the discussions and the notes and the brainstorming and the crazy ideas and the sleepless nights start to resolve into concrete form; they’re beginning to take on shape and color and texture in the most literal sense: they’re becoming YARN.
And once you’ve got YARN, you can do just about anything. And just about anything… is exactly what I intend to do.
Stay tuned.